Kingdom Protista

Description-Protists are a group of eukaryotic microorganisms that live in environments that contain liquid waiter. They are considered more complex than archaebacteria and eubacteria, but are still very simplistic compared to fungi, animals, and plants. Protists function as primary producers in many aquatic ecosystems.

Body Plan-Protists are both unicellular and multicellular, but even multicellular protists lack specialized tissues that typically distinguish a complex eukaryotic organism. A unicellular protist that is very commonly known is a cilate, which is a protist that possesses a flagella and is found in almost every body of water. An example of a multicellular protist would be a colony of algae.

Divergent Event-Protists possesses a very old evolutionary lineage. The first protists are suspected to have come about over 2 billion years ago, through a process of endosymbiosis in which larger unicellular prokaryotes engulfed smaller ones, which eventually led to a new type of organism being created entirely.

Metabolism-Protists are both autotrophic and heterotrophic, due to the wide range of structural forms the organisms possess. An example of autotrophic protists would be algae, which are photosynthetic plant-like organisms, and an example of heterotrophic protists are amoebas, which engulf organic compounds and digest them.

Digestion-Most protists possess intracellular digestion, but some animal-like ones possess extracellular digestive systems. These animal-like protists have complete digestive systems, as they dissolve complex organic compounds.

Circulation-Protists possess no circulatory system

Respiration-Protists possess no respiratory system

Nervous-Protists possess no nervous system

Reproduction-Protists can reproduce sexually or asexually. Algae, for example, reproduce sexually by fusing two diploid sex cells, but they can also reproduce by mitotic division.

Examples-Water molds, unicellular protists responsible for the devastation of many plant crops, causing diseases such as potato blight

Trypanosomatids, exclusively parasitic protists found in insects that cause sleeping sickness in humans when they enter the bloodstream


  1. You sire are a genius. The AP Biology 2 class from Indian River High School loves you. You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.

    1. Glad to be of service. Sorry it's a bit rough - I wrote it when I was in high school myself, of course.

  2. The AP Bio II class from Destrehan High School also thanks you and hopes that the AP gods smile on your scores and the scores of your children forevermore. You saved all of our asses

  3. Dude this our exact project for our AP bio class. Thanks now we don't have to spend all day doing this. You are our dad
