Phylum Echinodermata
Description: Organisms within the phylum Echinodermata are animals found deep within the ocean, from the intertidal to abyssal zone. Echinoderms are remarkable because of two notable factors: their relative abundance despite hostile conditions deep within the ocean, and their hardened exterior skeletons which offer them protection and allow them to cling to hard, rocky surfaces. These spines and skeletons sometimes pose a health risk to humans and other predators, who can be harmed by the rigidity of the echinoderm’s body.
An example of an echinoderm is a Red-knobbed starfish. A starfish is a common echinoderm that is considered very aesthetically pleasing, and is even occasionally used for decoration by humans. The Red-knobbed variety is found within the Indian Ocean.
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Phylum Mollusca
Description: Molluscs, or organisms belonging to the phylum Mollusca, are the largest group of marine organisms in existence, consisting of 23% of all marine organisms currently known. They are highly diverse in structure, environment, behavior, and habit. The phylum’s sheer size creates a large variation between organisms. One trait common to most molluscs is the presence of a body cavity, used for breathing and exretion.
An example of a mollusc would be a blue ringed octopus, a small mollusc known for its potent venom, which is strong enough to kill a human. The large cavity inside the head of the octopus functions as its mantle.
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Phylum Arthropoda
Description: Arthropods are a phylum that contains more than 80% of all living animal species. They are invertebrates that possess segmented bodies, characterized by appendages which are paired with each segment. Arthropods possess amazing versatility, and scientists attribute their success as a phylum largely to their unique body plan.
Example: The Asian Forest Scorpion, an arachnid, is a member of phylum Arthropoda. The arachnid possesses weak venom that is not capable of killing humans, though other members of its species possess that capability. Scorpions exemplify the diversity found in arthropods: they are found over all continents except in Antarctica, and enjoy great success as predators of insects and small mammals.
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